This year we lost Robert Yannacconne, a freeCodeCamp camper who supported our mission to the end.
Robert was born in Detroit in 1949. After graduating high school, he joined the United States Air Force, learned Mandarin Chinese, and served as a translator in the Philippines.
After 3 years of service, Robert received an honorable discharged from the military. He moved to Texas, where he graduated from the University of Houston.
Robert spent the next 43 years working at energy companies, ascending in roles from a meter reader all the way up to a Telecom Analyst. Along the way, he developed a love of photography.
A life-long learner, Robert joined the freeCodeCamp community and continued to expand his skills.
Robert left this world in February. He left it a better shape than he found it. Among other things, he left a considerable gift to freeCodeCamp, so that other people around the world can learn new skills, regardless of their circumstances in life.
Please join me in saluting Robert for his military service, his support of our charity, and for being an all around kind human being. 🫡
If you’d like to leave a legacy gift for freeCodeCamp like Robert did, you can add this language, or something like it, to your will:
I give, devise, and bequeath [the sum of _____ USD (or other currency) OR _____ percent of the rest and residue of my estate] to (Free Code Camp, Inc. tax identification number 82-0779546), a charitable corporation organized under the laws of the State of Delaware, United States, currently located at 3905 Hedgcoxe Rd, PO Box 250352, Plano, Texas, 75025 United States, to be used for its general charitable purposes at its discretion.
I’d like to thank Robert’s brother John Yannaccone for helping me with Robert’s gift, and the Wikimedia Foundation for providing this formal language for legacy gifts.
If you have any questions about this process, or are interested in other ways of supporting our charity and our mission, please email me at [email protected].